
The new word "Unlimited*"

I think OED should add the word "Unlimited*" to the dictionary as a word in its own right, meaning "limited in some way".

It looks like it is even being treated as a word by some. See this where it has the phrase Unlimited****, yes that is four stars.

However, the page only has foot notes *, **, and ***.

The only possible explanation is that they use the new word "unlimited*" followed by *** which is Subject to Fair usage policy. Either that or they really mean "unlimited", but what this chances of that!

P.S. The 20GB limit has ***, i.e. Subject to Fair usage policy which is a tad odd - is it 20GB or fair usage policy limited I wonder.
P.P.S. "Upstream speeds, at up to 10Mb/s, will be the fastest in the UK" is not entirely true as we do fibre links at up to 10Gb/s if you want.
P.P.P.S. The name is silly, I can't help thinking Stargate Universe.


  1. unlimited* -adjective
    1. restricted, confined, limited
    2. bounded, small
    3. unspecified qualification, exception or condifions

    Evil Corporation,

  2. Is 'super>fast' a BT trademark? It really grates on me when I read it.

  3. "Stargate Universe"?
    The first thing that came to my head was Toy Story.
    Buzz: To infinity, and beyond!

  4. Stuff like unlimited* isn't just restricted to dodgy ISPs. I saw a new word "Immediately*" today.

    Sign outside opticians in town :

    Appointments available immediately*

    * - Subject to availability


  5. Ah, time frame "immediate" and availability "you can always get an appointment" are really different claims I feel, so that almost works for me.

  6. I have to agree. immediately and availability are different... But unlimited* really does = limited... It should be banned.


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