Well, the Tindie store is set up, and I am adding stuff.
The basics
It is simple to use and way way way less hassle the Amazon. Amazon are a pain to make any change to any listing, often even refusing to do so for no good reason. Tindie, is simple, just works, changes are easy and happen immediately.
I am shipping, which is less ideal, but RM click'n'drop works well. I may be able to do more with APIs to tie things up more seamlessly in due course. As this scales up this will no doubt transfer to the sales team in the office.
One nice thing is I can add sales options - which works because I am shipping to order. I did this on the coaster. Which diffuser to use, and if shipped assembled or as a kit. This would not work with Amazon fulfilment, obviously.
The costs
Works out around 10% in payment and Tindie fees. Pretty typical.
Getting paid
Payment via PayPal was a concern, especially as it looked a lot like I could not get PayPal to send me money without open banking crap (giving them access to my account!). However, we sorted the business PayPal account, and that allowed simple fast payment to the business bank account and did not appear to involve any fees, and seemed sensible exchange rate (Tindie is all in dollars). Looks like it is monthly, which is simple enough.
Looks like I have to go in to PayPal and accept the payment and then tell PayPal to send the money, which is a nuisance but not to much so on a monthly basis.
We need to work out VAT and paperwork, but simple enough to convert all to GBP on the monthly payment and generate the right VAT invoice matching the money that arrives - should keep HMRC happy. Again, this is where I may API it all and make it simple and seamless.
This is probably next step - make more streamlined for orders and paperwork. I'll write that up in due course I expect.