
Apple lies?

So, Apple's web site say "But it today at your favourite Apple Retail Store".

Well, according the the Oracle Reading store, not only does my favourtite Apple Retail Store not have any for me to buy today, none of the stores do.

I am not amused by the misleading advertising.


  1. Its not lies, Its reality distortion..
    I hope when you get one you will you be installing Linux on it?

  2. Favourite Apple Retail Store, in the 50 states. Although the spelling of favourite would imply a non-US centric view. Curious.

    1. Yes, they can spell because this is on the /uk/ apple pages and the select store was UK stores. No fair :-(

  3. You can buy it, you just can't take it away.

    When you purchase something from a website, for example, you're "buying" it, you're just not getting it

    1. Ordering it maybe - but "buy it today" is a pretty clear implication, especially when they say they will set it up just the way you like it (something they explain that they do in store with you I believe). That statement is certainly misleading and I would say personally, in my opinion, verging on an outright lie.

  4. You might also want to check IFixit's report on them. http://ifixit.org/2753/macbook-pro-with-retina-display-teardown/

    1. Soldered in memory and drive? :o

      That's off my list then.. I can't think of any laptop I've owned that hasn't had those upgraded at some point in its life.

  5. If anything, it is Apple that lose out - I will be away for next week and a half, mostly working, and was thinking this would be a good machine to use for the work. Now I'll take something else, and feel just a bit more pissed off at Apple. Had they not "launched" it, I would not have had that annoyance.

  6. I visited Apple Covent Garden last night to see if the machine is actually any good.

    Naturally, they had models on display but no sign near them saying "Sold Out - Stock Expected xx/xx/xxxx" which any sane computer store would have up; the staff were getting a bit pi**ed having to answer the same question and a certain person (i.e. me) took the trouble of tiling the PNG associated with your parent post as the background on certain machines in-store :-)

    Yes, it is a very nice machine but would I buy it if I wasn't eligible for a sizeable discount ?

    No, I would not.

    That said, I'm annoyed that the RAM is soldered because every single portable I have ever bought has had a RAM expansion at some point in its' lifetime; because the possibility of that is now denied to me, I have had to plump for a 16GB build-to-order model - 2.6GHz, 16GB RAM, 512GB SSD - to be exact.

    It will make a good replacement for my ageing desktop machine (Intel Q6600) but I can wait 2-3 weeks for it.

    Still undecided as to whether I am going to let you 'have a go at it' with your laser engraver though :-P

  7. http://www.asa.org.uk/Complaints/How-to-complain.aspx

  8. Wait for the 13in retina model. The 15in jobbie is still to much to lug about. I'm still happy with my Vaio Z13 1080p, but would jump ship if a 13in MBP retina was on offer.


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