
TOTSCO Integration testing done

Well, we managed to complete tests with one CP yesterday, with us giving them a lot of hand holding.

But separately, today, I had a 90 minute teams call, with TOTSCO, and another CP, and, well, that was it!

We each had a challenge of forcing our systems to create scenarios - faking installations happening when they had not, and so on. And then forcing errors when errors should not happen. That is why it was 90 minutes.

I learned a few things - for example I had one system sending a datetime not a date, in one specific case we had not tested before, which meant they rejected the message (quite correctly), well done. They too found issues as well, all minor, and sorted on the call.

It was nice working with people who had basically got a fully working system, and it was just slight tweaks and edge cases - polishing things a bit - which they were able to sort on the call. All very professional. Thanks guys.

But that was it, a 90 minute call, and TOTSCO confirmed all tests done each way and all passed integration testing.

Next step, production testing, which is ONE MESSAGE... Oooh, I'm scared!

1 comment:

  1. One message? That sounds like all the testing anyone could ever need. Just what you need for what sounds like one of the last stages before go-live.

    (Sorry if my sarcasm blew up your sarcasmometer)


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