
Challenging spammers - and winning!

OK, I do not know what to say... This is the email exchange, slightly edited and top/bottom post mix, but you get the idea... I am flabbergasted, I really am.

Good Morning Adrian
Please accept my most sincere apologies for the email below, I was trying to use some initiative in my workplace.
I was not aware of this clause and I am grateful you have brought this to my attention.
I will send you the £10 as per your email.
I hope you accept my apology.
Healthy Regards
Chantelle *****
-----Original Message-----
From: Adrian Kennard [mailto:****]
Sent: 18 June 2013 17:01
To: Chantelle ****/Sales/****
Subject: Re: newly incorporated data

On 18/06/13 16:50, Chantelle ****/Sales/**** wrote:
> Good Afternoon
> What would you say if I said I can provide you with a data list for
> your company to build your business back up in the current difficult times?
> Anything from brand new companies to established companies.

I would say that you have just transmitted an unsolicited communications for the purpose of direct marketing by means of electronic mail to an individual subscriber contrary to section 22 of The Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003, and that you now owe me damages as per section 30 of those regulations.

I look forward to payment of £10 to cover my damages within 14 days or I will issue a county court claim against you without further notice.

Send payment to 20-16-99 ******** reference PECN00042


  1. Ahah.. excellent and polite on both sides... great email trail :)

  2. Did the tenner turn up?

  3. I'm interested if it turned up too :)

  4. I'm guessing you've tried this 42 times, from the payment reference. How have you got on on the preceding 41 attempts?

    1. That was the impression I was trying to give :-)


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