
Getting my head examined...

So, after a few migraines I went to GP and was referred to neurologist and he had an MRI done. Seems all is normal, phew.

Getting an MRI seems to be now as routine as an X-ray, but safer and takes a bit longer. Took around 20 minutes for my MRI of my brain.

Basically, you lie down on a bed, which then goes in to a machine. Cunning use of mirrors means you can see out and so feel a tad less claustrophobic in the process, but it is a small tube you go in to.

Music in headphones, but the machine is noisy. You have to lie still which is a pain, but all in all pretty simply.

So seems to be just a migraine or two. Good news. Could so easily have been a tumour or mini-stroke, but it seems not. I am pleased to say all is well.

I was surprised how many friends and relatives have had an MRI. This was my first. Yes, X-rays I have had many times as a kid. But MRIs were not around then. Impressive stuff, and they gave me a CD with the images...


  1. So will you be using the images to drive the 3D printer to print a copy in case you lose the original? ;-)

  2. We thought of that. I think not enough detail.

  3. Did they charge you for the CD? I've heard some places do that.

  4. I had one done and got the actual printed images, but would have loved to have them on a CD as well, would have been much easier to preserve...

    The thing I think looks most weird is the various horizontal slices when they get to the level of your eyes - very strange!

  5. No doubt you've played around with those GEDCOM images in OsiriX on one of your Macs? If not it's well worth five minutes... actually I spent hours in in when I has some scans of my upper spine done. And I now have proof I have a brain, contrary to popular opinion!

    Intrigued by the mirrors - presumably they're plastic rather than silvered glass. Am thinking the silvering might interfere with the scans?

  6. Not played with the files yet - just did AUTORUN.EXE under wine and it came up with some strange viewer. Sounds like it could be fun.

  7. The larger images on the CD are 256x256 pixels, which is not high res. The smaller ones are 128x128. I can't believe MRIs are that low res.

  8. Gonna print a scale model of your head?

  9. Being considered. Will need some complicated processing I expect.

  10. Duh, I don't mean GEDCOM - those are genealogy files! I mean DICOM. Theoretically you should be able to pick out the bone as distinct from muscle and do just your skull! Definately worth a play in OsiriX if you have a MAc to hand.

  11. Yes, Got the DICOM files, still crap resolution (256x256 for example).


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