

I was pondering the meaning of life, as I do, or rather more specifically the strange way that some things bother me and some do not with no rational reason why.

Like most people, I am sure, in the morning I brush my teeth, shave, get dressed, and in my case have to take a few tablets and an insulin injection. But this daily routine is not without some engineering considerations. For example, I have a glass of water with a fizzy vitamin tablet with which I wash down the tablets I take. So I ensure I fill the glass with water and put in the tablet after brushing my teeth - that is because, by then, the cold water is running nicely cold, and that is nicer to drink (I have mains drinking water in the bathroom). But I don't do it later as the tablet takes a couple of minutes to dissolve and I would be waiting for it when taking my tablets. So a bit of critical path analysis involved in ensuring I am not waiting an extra 10 seconds watching something go fizz in a glass.

I ponder why I am annoyed by a few seconds waiting for a tablet to dissolve. It does not matter. The whole process is not critical - I do not have a set time to get to work, and I get there hours before anyone else most days. What seems most inconsistent is that this whole highly efficient daily routine often follows an indeterminate time spent relaxing in a hot bath. That is also time doing nothing but which does not annoy me.

I can only conclude that people are strange, or that at least I am!


  1. Put an inch of water in the glass the night before, and drop in the tablet. Let the tablet dissolve overnight. Fill up the glass the next morning after you have done your teeth, diluting the otherwise very strong tablet solution, then drink down with the tablets?

    1. That is more work and saves no time if done in the right order.

  2. Who doesn't have mains drinking water in the bathroom?

    1. Until I changed to a combi boiler, the sink and bath cold taps were both fed from the storage tank in the loft so some houses will still have this set up. When I was at Uni, the baths had three taps on - hot, cold and drinking.

  3. Why not put the fizzing vitamin tablet in your mouth with no water - take a picture of you foaming at the mouth and use it to remind "the country's favourite telecommunications provider" how angry you can get? ;)

  4. When I'm moving in the morning I like to be efficient. When I'm laying (in bed) I like to stay there as long as possible. I can't stand wasting time when I'm doing my routine.


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