

As you know, I have a twitter account - and was even described as a prolific tweeter by someone. OK, that is a bit much, only around 2500 followers, but none the less, I tweet, therefore I am.

My twitter handle is @TheRealRevK but the name is RevK which I use extensively since I signed up as a reverend with ulc.org many years ago. I use it in a lot of places, and even on this blog. ULC don't require a belief in a deity before ordaining you :-)

I do not have @revk as someone else has it, but it is a dormant, never used, twitter account.

Contacting twitter is almost impossible, but someone said they do have a policy on trademarks, and they have a support ticket help page for that and a form.

So, after literally a few minutes on-line, if that, I have paid £170 to the UK Intellectual Property Office to apply for a registered trademark, personally, for blogging, as the text "revk". I see no others when searching, so that stands a good chance or being accepted. I'll know soon.

That then means I can actually defend against other users of "revk" and maybe get the twitter handle. I may not manage it, after all even Donald Trump still has "real" in his handle. If I succeed where he failed I will be well chuffed. More on this story as it happens.


  1. Why is it important? Are you going to keep "TheRealRevK" to stop anyone else using it? You know, keep it dormant, but just have it to block anyone else from using it?

    1. I have never changed a twitter handle before, so I assume my followers all move to @revk, and I could register @theRealRevK as well then. And did I say it was "important" ? :-)

    2. Apparently, important enough for you to go and register a trademark. If you don't see that as OTT, I don't know what to say.

    3. Literally like 60 seconds of my life there - I have spent more time making a blog post and commenting.

  2. Not an expert here, but wouldn't the Twitter handle count as prior art as it was registered before your trademark?

    1. Trademark, copyright, and patents all have different rules. You may be thinking of patents. Even so, my tweeting may not be a “trade” as such other than perhaps selling “me” and my reputation. Whilst I am not likely to ever be looking for an employer, I do talks and the like, so you could sort of consider it so.

  3. Trump needs "real" in his handle to try and prove that he's not one of the lizard people

  4. The lizard people disavow any connection with Trump whatsoever. We do have standards.


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