
Bring back TheOatmeal.com


  1. I have no idea what you are trying to say here. Can tou clarify please?

    1. That ICANN are hijacking well established long standing domains due to their latest policy. This is not some new domain registered with crap details, this is a long standing domain with sensible registrant details, and it has been hijacked!

    2. Why is this a thing? I am sure they didn't arbitrarily suspend the domain. He must've gotten notices. Why didn't he just get it done? What do you expect ICANN to look at each domain and say, "oh, this looks legitimate and cool; the process does not apply to this domain."

  2. Actually just realised, if your contact details (email) are via the domain in question, you can't re-send the email to verify as they have hijacked the DNS!

    And once we have widespread DNSSEC this web redirect crap just won't work.

    1. I'd assume they hijack at the TLD level meaning they have full control over the domain including any dnssec?

  3. I was just thinking the *exact* same thing!

  4. The only thing that surprises me is that they haven't filled the page with Google Ads...


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TOTSCO 66 is guidance, optional

I feel I need to explain this. The TOTSCO call today, first I have been on, and wow! But a key point was TOTSCO bulletin 66, which is actual...