
Kindle waste of money? (pic)

Apparently, it downloaded over 300MB via my mifi for no apparent reason and the decided to die. Arrrrg!


  1. Is that a liquid, bottom left? Did you spill your pint on it? :-)

  2. What? no, I did not spill anything on it or even take it out in the rain.

  3. well, amazon is going to replace it for free, so no harm, and WHY would you connect it to mifi when it has FREE 3G build in ...

  4. Try holding the slider switch on the bottom to the right for 30 seconds (time it to make sure), release, put the Kindle down and don't touch it for 3 minutes. It may recover.

  5. Amazon are normally very good about replacing broken/faulty Kindles... my first one had keys that lost their letters after a couple of days of use and I had a new one the day after reporting the problem.

  6. My first kindle broke when the power switch failed and they replaced it without problem. My second one broke when I stood on it and it went *crack*. I had to replace that one myself :(

  7. 300MB? I'm sure you can afford the units... :p


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