
Quote of the day

"I have someone on the phone saying they are not technical enough to check for dial tone - great start to the day :("

I feel sorry for my staff some times...


  1. Shaun is the one I feel sorry for!

  2. Was the customer calling from a mobile?

    Only other thing I can think of is if they use a DECT phone and dial the number then press send.

    They usually Dial pretty quickly so you'd only get the dial tone momentarily

  3. @revk luck! I was thinking of the amount of time he has to spend talking to our favourite telco

  4. So, what else did the Openreach engineer say???? lol


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TOTSCO 66 is guidance, optional

I feel I need to explain this. The TOTSCO call today, first I have been on, and wow! But a key point was TOTSCO bulletin 66, which is actual...