
Man cave: Day 21

Well, what can I say - doors and windows and air-con...

Installing the frame and door took most of the day, but the decorator stayed late and managed to stain the door, the frame, the bar and the shelves. The air-con was installed, and in a slightly more sensible place.

So at least another day of carpenters, maybe two with the boxing in of the meters, but apart from that it is all decorator...

One snag is stopping the door catching the wind and swinging open against the brickwork, so I am looking at a concealed door closer for that.

It does mean I have sort of moved in - computer on a bit of card on the work bench which still needs oiling - but the end if really in sight now.


  1. Doors catching in the wind is why they normally open inwards. Also outwards opening is less secure as the hinges can be attacked (grinding them off or driving the pins out). Hinge bolts fix that weakness (still won't open even after the hinges have been destroyed) but you don't appear to have them. And even then the lock is more prone to attach with outwards opening as the locking bar is visible.

    1. Indeed - The door closer will solve one problem, and the hinge bolts are on the way. The lock position has a sensor and so does the door, so tampering would set off the alarm anyway. There are also two cameras on the door. Hopefully more hassle than it is worth. To be fair, I did not consider the wind catching the door when I decided on opening outwards, and neither did the builder!

  2. One thought is that you may need to install some vents because of the gas meter being in the garage - have you spoken to anyone about that?

    1. Really? Building control have been in and everything - no issues with gas meter location. The windows have vents anyway.

    2. The regs around this can be odd! If the windows have vents that may be enough though.


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